Applying for Membership

This how-to article will help prospective members with properly applying for membership.


  1. Fill out the membership application

  2. You will be notified via email once your application has been approved

Application Fields Explained

Membership Type

You can join the CASE Community as an active participant or an observer.

The community defines active as someone that wants to engage with the CASE Community through participation on a technical committee.

The community defines an observer as someone that only wishes to stay informed of CDO technical and administrative changes.

To be an observer you only need to join the community mailing list and do not need to fill out the application.

Independent Contributor

To not be affiliated with your employer, you can apply as an Independent Contributor. Independent digital investigation researchers and tool developers shall be affiliated with the Academia class following review and approval by the Presiding Director regarding the independent status of the member.

Organizational Membership

The CASE Community accepts memberships from organizations and will follow up with applicants for verification.


Applicants applying to be active members are eligible to participate on committees.

Ontology Committees focuses on knowledge representation, identifying use cases and defining metadata frameworks in support of different types of cyber investigations.

Adoption Committees focuses on semantic mapping, creating adoption framework tools, and developing transformation capabilities, such as APIs.


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